When will States start listening to us voters?
SURELY it is time for the people in government to look around at this island and realise that we are a small (or were) community very happily living on a rock in the English Channel and they have been, and are continuing to destroy what was a simple way of life.
OK, we probably all respect that things change, but it does not mean common sense has to go out the window.
Island-wide voting was asked for and turned down because 45-odd votes per person would not work. That was not what was asked for. It was one person, one vote. So the voting system remains.
Many years ago, the people were against Fort George being sold off for (at that time) houses worth hundreds of thousands of pounds to be built, but the people were totally ignored. Just two of the many things our government have turned their back on the people about.
What of the future then? It's not really hard to work out. The government will bring in GST and eventually fill in Belle Greve Bay. In fact, they will probably fill in the whole lot so we connect with Herm, making them an extra parish. That will mean no more Herm boats. There will be no milk rounds. The runway at the airport will stretch to Torteval. The rich will continue to prosper and the pensioners will exist on food voucher handouts for all their years of manual labour.
All this may sound stupid, but even if it does not (and probably will not) happen in my lifetime, one can see it coming if the government does not start listening to the people a bit more. One of the main talking points coming from the people right now is the fact that some hard-working men and women are on a minimum wage that is totally ridiculous, yet some deputies want even more money on top of the ludicrous amounts they get now.
The government keep telling us we need to cut costs. Well, cut the number of deputies in half and cut their amount of money by at least half, then we will see who is in it for the good of the island and not for the good of their pockets. Then perhaps common sense might prevail.
I think one can safely say Belle Greve will be filled in one day and GST will be introduced, but the cutting of costs by reducing the amount of deputies and their money is a definite no no. You think I am moaning? You're damn right I am. Everyone will not be of the same opinion as me I know, but I can assure you I am not alone in my thinking.
5, Rosemount,
Mont Arrive,
St Peter Port,
GY1 2AF.