Guernsey Press

Taking more off people who are genuinely struggling

HOW great to hear that the poor people of Guernsey will have to pay more in taxes. Well done to the States again on the way they govern the island.


To all the people involved in office as a deputy for this island, could you please stop walking around with your nose in the air and your head in the clouds? The island is in a mess and it is no use you all trying to tell us it is a problem you inherited. We know each generation of politicians blames the one before – but just remember that for the next lot, you are the ones before. As your predecessors blamed the ones before and did nothing about adjusting it in the right way, you are actually doing the same. In honest fact, you are making it even worse.

Look, tax the rich on all their income and leave the poor people who are struggling to live (and keep telling you they are struggling to live) alone. If I was a multi-millionaire, as a lot of people living on this island and indeed some deputies are, I would be very happy to get millions of pounds in interest from my bank and only have to pay an estimated £120,000 (tops) tax on it. This would help the economy and then perhaps the government could stop taking out more loans that everyone knows become a greater cost to the taxpayer (or should I say the working-class taxpayer) in respect of paying interest.

If you do not have the courage to make the rich pay more or you are happy to sit in office and make these decisions to help yourself, then get out, because you are not doing your job. It is fact that more people (I mean local, working-class, tax-paying people) on this island do not trust most of our present deputies. Just look at the recent headlines on the front page of our local Press and it stands out like a sore thumb that our government that is always trying to ram down our throats how open and transparent they are refused to declare any figures on how much a department had lost.

Be totally honest – some of our deputies are only lining their pockets and others are just adding to their already large bank balances. Then we get some clowns suggesting if the money on offer for becoming a deputy was increased, perhaps there would be more women interested in doing the job. What rubbish. This is a statement made in respect of lining their own pockets even further. Look, it does not matter whether a position in politics is held by a male or female as long as they see sense and do the job in hand properly.

There are people in this island struggling to live and you people want to take more off them. Listen to what us poorer people are saying: we are struggling to live.

This island has become a joke to the rest of the world. Just take a look at some of the ads on TV.

One well-known supermarket is showing a variety of products at 89p and yet we in Guernsey are still paying £1 for it.

Word is out that we are a soft touch and they can make easy money over here with no challenges. 11p may not be much to some people but to others who have not got bank accounts and live hand to mouth, it can make the total difference of whether they actually have enough money left in their purse to afford a packet – and I can assure you there are more occasions than deputies seem to realise or wish to take on board that pensioners (especially) do not have the required amount left to buy it.

Take the blinkers off and take a look around at the mess you are creating. There are people without heating and food because of your insistence on taking as much as you possibly can off the poor. Please take note. One cannot stand up an empty sack – and humans are the same with nothing inside them.


5, Rosemount,

Mont Arrive,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2AF.

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