Curb spending before borrowing
BEFORE the States go down the road of borrowing £250m. and committing themselves to a minimum interest payment on the basis of 4% – which would involve the taxpayer – to a repayment of £8m. per annum subject to being able to keep the 4% if interest rates rise above the present low rate. This does not allow for the ultimate repayment of the bonds.
The following problems need to be dealt with, including the final-salary pensions scheme.
A root and branch look into the various departments to clear out the dross.
Curb departments from putting forward schemes that they think the island desires but can do without and stop quoting how much projects will cost before they have been to competitive tender, thereby informing contractors what they are prepared to pay, letting them know regardless of cost what they can get away with.
Before the States go down the road of handing out free contraceptives, the schools should inform children that if they get pregnant, the responsibility is entirely theirs and that no payments will be forthcoming from the public purse. If they or their family are unable to support the child then it should be put up for adoption. At the present time, these mothers quickly have a second child knowing it is the quickest way to a States house and a lazy life with all provided for the next 16-18 years and the probability of any female child following in mother's footsteps.
A rough estimate of the cost of this, if one takes into account the building of a property to house them, which will produce no rent for 16-18 years from which to pay for maintenance of the dwelling, probably exceeds £1.5m.
Rumour has it that a teacher, on asking girls what they would do when they left school, received a reply from some of them, 'Oh, I am going to have a baby then I won't have to work.'
Too many people adopt the attitude that the States will provide. They need to be dissuaded of this attitude in no uncertain terms.
The old slaughterhouse should be sold or rented out at a commercial rent and not be used for 'junk' aptly named.
Finally, the States should be reminded of the old adage, 'cut your coat according to the size of the cloth'.
Tosty Cottage,
La Garenne,
GY3 5SQ.