Guernsey Press

It's not too late for Guernsey

SO CHRISTMAS and New Year are nearly upon us – a time of celebration and joy, and now we are faced with extra expense.


Unfortunately, this is not for the first time, as our powers that be deem it right to hit us working people below the belt with their outrageous schemes. To hear one certain deputy say the budget is 'done and dusted, get on with it,' is pathetic, isn't it people? I bet he doesn't have to make ends meet like some people do. Mind you, that probably goes for most of our politicians.

I beg all of you on the electoral roll that in future elections please be absolutely sure and confident that the person you vote for is going to do things right and proper because most of this lot are not – and it's only going to get worse. I fear for the next generation to come, and surely it's our duty to make sure their future in this beautiful island is safe and secure.

Speaking as a true Guern, it is my opinion that this island should be run by Guernsey people only – you know, people with history, people who understand the community spirit. I am sure there are these people out there.

In the First World War, a poster went out saying, 'Your country needs you,' and doesn't this island just. For me, the community spirit over here is paramount. Unfortunately it is too late to save St Andrew's School, the heart of that parish, ripped out it seems. The policy of this lot is money before life. Does HSSD come to mind as well? Not good folks, eh?

Did we really need to bring in someone from the UK? I know Malcolm Nutley was overseeing on a temporary basis (another true Guern, by the way), but SIA was where he was and doing a great job. Did no one think of approaching Rob Prow, you know, that forgotten, dedicated hard-working respected Guern who was turned over by our chief minister in favour of someone from the UK?

Maybe some of you are thinking, 'well, we can't change things – it will always be the same,' well, no it won't, because things can change. The more people that sign up on the electoral roll the better. We have to stop this debacle.

In years gone by, we had maintenance teams in our States departments, good people who knew what they were doing. There were teams of stonemasons looking after our sea walls, filling small holes before they became big ones. Remember the Ferbrache brothers and others? Everything now is major surgery costing millions, it cannot be sustainable – it's an island, for goodness sake. This is our small, beautiful home – let's all protect it, stand up and be counted, please. Please.


La Casse A Lapin,

Ville au Roi,

St Peter Port,

GY1 1NZ.

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