Guernsey Press

GcMaf: still no answers

GIVEN that HSSD are reliant on the MHRA to provide them with a 'Big Brother' advice and resources then these comments may need airing. It is disturbing to understand that Paul Luxon, our HSSD minister, knew of the letter published in the Guernsey Press by Gerald Heddell, director, inspection, enforcement and standards division, MHRA, which, after 45 days, still fails to present any conclusive evidence in regard to claims of contamination of GcMaf products. Just how long does it take to provide their evidence?


So MHRA can now create even more widespread panic and heartache among our public via our local media with the full knowledge of HSSD, who are tasked with protecting us.

Mr Heddell quotes: 'As a result of this we (MHRA or HSSD?) cannot be sure that the product is not contaminated.'

We are told by HSSD that MHRA have tested these products and found GcMaf in Goleic. But no contamination then?

'People should not start treatment with these specific products.' How can we? These products are banned, the distribution point was shut down and all production has ceased.

'It is vitally important that patients currently taking these products seek their doctor's advice as soon as possible.'

How do the doctors go about treating what symptoms when no known side-effects have ever been reported as advised by HSSD?

Gerald Heddell so humanely writes, 'I fully understand the concerns of people who have serious illness and would therefore encourage them to seek advice from their doctor to ensure they receive the most appropriate treatment.'

My brother went right to the top and sought advice from Bulstrode House. What they said was: 'We are very sorry to advise you that you have stage four metastatic lung cancer following your bowel cancer operation from one year ago. There is absolutely nothing we can do to treat your cancer now and expect that your life expectancy is somewhere between three to 18 months only if we could provide you with chemotherapy as a life-extending treatment. However, we firmly believe that due to your underlying heart disease, chemotherapy would stop your heart with one single dose.'

He took GcMaf from the day after the oncologist told him they couldn't treat him. Blood results remained fairly stable, heart results remained stable and even showed improvement. There was no infection to worry about and his hepatitis C diagnosis, due to a contaminated blood transfusion given by our health professionals in the 1980s, had potentially cleared up.

So no need to run to his doctor for fear of contamination from GcMaf until HSSD and MHRA interfered. Yes, interfered, despite Ed Freestone telling the GcMaf Steering Committee that the States had met and discussed the fact that the importation and open distribution of GcMaf had been going on in Guernsey unchecked, unchallenged and unlicensed for nearly three years.

That meeting was in November 2014 and in February 2015 somebody said something that made Mr Freestone sit up, take notice, take action and bring in the MHRA.

Who was it that made you contact MHRA, our committee asked? Minister Paul Luxon or chief pharmacist Ed Freestone did not provide any clear or concise answer, just stated that there were several things that led Mr Freestone to investigate Immuno Biotech.

The public are not allowed to be privy to who or what it was that made this happen. However, products that have no reported harmful side-effects in nearly three years of distribution in Guernsey were banned with immediate and resounding effect. Still no factual evidence stating why or what the ban is based on.

My brother ran out of GcMaf/Goleic having reduced his dosage by 50% weekly in an attempt to make it last longer in the hope that HSSD would release the 20 vials being held at the Border Agency. His health was deteriorating fast and we researched any alternative treatment protocol that might continue to assist him to live.

This research was going to cost thousands of pounds which HSSD will not fund. They were, however, willing to spend thousands of pounds on providing palliative chemotherapy which, in their opinion, would stop his heart with one dose. Not so expensive as a long-term solution there then.

So here we are 45 days after the ban was invoked. Immuno Biotech chief executive David Noakes has advised that his products have been targeted by authorities without proof, his bank accounts have been closed without notice, his business has been targeted to be destroyed without any hard evidence or proof being publicly announced and the hopes of many destroyed by the removal of the only treatment that they believe worked for them.

Mr Noakes has publicly criticised HSSD and the MHRA in terms that are not supported by many and has potential to create animosity. However, our committee has also witnessed offers for all parties to work together in a search for the truth and a resolution to production and distribution, which has not been taken up by HSSD.

It is apparent from the letter from Mr Heddell that the MHRA is controlling this situation over the HSSD. So if the resources of our HSSD are so dependant on their relationship with MHRA, then why don't the whole lot of them simply step aside and save local funding by letting the MHRA run Guernsey without them?

Or maybe they could simply stand up and use the responsibility and powers they have to make their own decisions regarding our island's health and social security when matters of such high importance is demanded. Our financial services act independently with seemingly great results for Guernsey.

Why didn't HSSD and Commerce and Employment simply assist Immuno Biotech set up in Guernsey with their guidance and advice so the business could have been supervised as it grew to provide an opportunity for Guernsey to prosper. Not let a cloak and dagger operation gain a dependency amongst our local people before stepping in to save us from potential contamination based on unsubstantiated reports and findings of others.

We understand that Immuno Biotech are investigating a serious financial damages claim against the States. How much will this cost taxpayers to defend?

We also have local people who have stated that they are investigating legal action against HSSD on a human rights basis. More defence costs.

Our committee is being advised by very authoritative advocates to instigate a judicial review action against HSSD for the release of information that may prove vital in establishing any vested interests in instigating the investigations of Immuno Biotechby the MHRA.

There are some wealthy individuals who have offered to finance the cost of this review in the hope of forcing a declaration and overall solution via our States.

What a complete shambles.


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