Guernsey Press

New States structure not without its faults

HAVING glanced through the new format for the structure of government to come into force after the next 'General Election', I saw with some satisfaction that Planning and Building Control is to be a 'stand-alone' department and not part of Environment. I hope this will mean that there will be no possibility of the 'lunatic fringe' currently irritating voters and residents of our island with their ideas of social manipulation.


Some months ago it was reported that Environment had been instructed to undo the mess they had made to the Town seafront in the name of health and safety. So far one lane of traffic has been reinstated and an unnecessary 'safe' crossing has been put (almost) back to the way it was before. The bus stop close to the Crown Pier has not been reinstated, the single lane of traffic from the Town Church to the Weighbridge is still a single lane, the grey planter things remain but will shortly be utilised to form another barrier, the tree which was killed has not been re-planted, I could continue but I'm sure everyone can fill in the gaps for themselves.

Now I have noticed that the right- hand side of Cornet Street opposite the Town Church has been painted over for 'small car' spaces. I'm alright, my little van turns on a sixpence and is easy to park in said spaces, however, can't someone take their paint pot away before they spoil everyone's right to buy a car in which they can fit their family, dogs and the week's shopping?

While saying that I applaud the new structure of Government, there are things that I believe must be corrected. One such correction would be the guidelines of the new planning department; there are lots of criteria they will have to take into account, however, nowhere is it stated that they must bear in mind the character, style or whether it is appropriate or in context with its surroundings. We've laughed over the 'in keeping with the area' but this is no laughing matter, if we care about our island we should not spoil it to pander to a new fad. Taste is a very subjective area, but in the past few years there have been quite a few 'carbuncles' built in Guernsey in the name of modern architecture. We require, we do not 'need', planners who can read a plan and visualise what the building will look like in context. Without that ability they will be useless to those of us who want to retain the charm of our island; without retaining our charm we will not and can not attract the cruise boats or the visitors to our island. More importantly, if we turn ourselves into 'just another UK town' we will not attract the entrepreneurs, the high net-worth residents or the executives our island needs to grow and thrive.


Ma Carriere,

Le Petit Bouet,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2AN.

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