Delight at improvement at La Mare
GUERNSEY should be delighted with the massive improvement at La Mare de Carteret High School.
In 2011 when I was asked by the Policy Council to do a review of the secondary schools, I spent a great deal of time at La Mare. It included an initial 90 minute meeting with the staff (without the senior management team), many lesson observations and numerous chats with teachers, and most importantly, pupils.
I was struck by the number of obviously dedicated but frustrated teachers that I met.
It was clear that it was a school with many problems. Incredibly low staff morale, poor exam results, an inadequate building, a number of challenging pupils and some parents who were less than supportive.
Today La Mare has received one of the best school inspection reports ever achieved in Guernsey. Five of the six key inspection areas were rated very good. What a turn-around.
Successful schools are about excellent teaching, high standards and expectations, and good discipline based on mutual respect.
But the critical key factor is always the quality of leadership at the top.
As head teacher, Vicky Godley has revolutionised the school she took over in 2012.
At the same time, she has made pupils, staff and parents extremely proud of their school.