New deputies should take on the 'old guard'
WE'RE on a winner again. Gavin St Pier, who got into the States again by 376 votes because of the voting system, has now been elected as the top man. This man would not have stood much chance had the people (island-wide) had the vote on who should/would sit at the top.
What I did not understand about the final count after four efforts for the members to decide who they wanted was – if the count was 20-20 three times and after the fourth attempt it was declared St Pier had won 20-19 on a spoiled paper, what happened to John Gollop`s vote change in the count? To me, it should have been 21-18. The spoiled paper worked out as one against Ferbrache (that makes it 20-19) but Gollop said he changed his vote so that takes another off Ferbrache and adds another to St Pier. Does that not make it 21 in his favour?
Two things come immediately to mind. One is can the count be trusted and the other is if this was a secret ballot has John Gollop not broken all codes of conduct by announcing to the public (indirectly) who he voted for?
I have to say I respect anyone who wishes to try and correct the mess this island is in after the governing bodies have ruined it, since the pay has gone up and up leading to people only interested in that side of it rather than looking at what is right for us and making good decisions, but I don't see a bright future when we have people returning from years ago when they had their chance and were at the start of the slide downhill – but did nothing to sort it. What do they think they are going to do now? Apart from get richer, that is.
Also, the return of a few from the last four years does not give a lot of confidence.
Already we are hearing about the new States revisiting decisions made by the old. Nothing changes.
We are still left with good talkers and no doers.
As for the newbies – they will have to get a plan and stand together, ganging up on the oldies, if they are to make their mark, because once anyone goes against the old guard they circle the wagons. As old Pikey from Dad's Army would say, 'they don't like it up 'em you know'.