Fears of heavy industry on 'data park' site
WE WERE out of the island on 1 May and missed your article, 'Brewery site rubble set to form data park foundations', but our house was shown in your photo. On Saturday, a neighbour drew our attention to the item. For a number of years the 'data park' has been the site of very occasional and spasmodic activity. Piles of rubble have been dumped and moved around a few times each year. Years ago a pile of apparent building supplies was left on the site.
After each occasion the site has then been left to the weeds. There has been no sign of the row of trees along the Saltpans boundary wall clearly shown in the original plan published in the Guernsey Press.
Many people are beginning to doubt the 'data park' will ever be built.
Now the developers want to use the site for heavy industry. There are sites in Guernsey where rubble can be crushed without creating dust and noise pollution so close to residential areas. This is a blatant attempt to introduce heavy industry to an area designated for light industry.
We would urge the planners to refuse this application.
The Saltpans,
St Sampson's,
GY2 4NA.