Department's odd priorities
I SHOULD like to congratulate Deputy Paul Le Pelley and indeed the whole Committee for Education, Sport & Culture on their achievements during their short period in office. Who would have thought that in only seven weeks they could have addressed all of the other matters regarding the education of our young people such that they find themselves with sufficient time to focus on the problem of ensuring everyone has a good view of the proceedings during the annual Remembrance Day parade?
It is also quite reassuring that there has not yet been any accompanying comment regarding the cost of this exercise. This sends out the very positive message that the committee is sufficiently in funds (having naturally considered all of the other requirements for education, sport and culture in our islands) to justify the clearing of the only open green space in the heart of St Peter Port and relocating our currently very proud war memorial into the lee of St James.
If the current committee now deem that the current Remembrance Day parade format is no longer fit for purpose due to the gradient and the poor aspect for those at the back, perhaps the organisers might want to consider the feasibility of conducting the parade and service on the west side of the memorial in its current position? The motorcycle parking area could easily be cleared for the day to provide a larger, flatter parade ground that could afford a better view for all.
A couple of other incidental benefits of this would be getting to keep the Sunken Garden and not costing our otherwise cash-strapped island a small fortune.
1, Richmond Court,
St Anne's Place,
St Peter Port, GY1 2NU.