Guernsey Press

Teachers' views must not be ignored

I HAVE just listened to the president of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture being interviewed on BBC Guernsey. He was responding to a teachers' survey showing that 71% of educationalists support scrapping selection at 11. I have to say that I was appalled at the dismissive tone Deputy Paul Le Pelley took towards his own professional staff. While I welcome the fact that he re-iterated his previous statement that he was in 'listening mode' and was willing to hear the point of view of local teaching staff, he repeatedly sought to belittle their viewpoint by claiming they had 'a vested interest'.


In what way do they have a vested interest? Do they gain financially if selection is either scrapped or retained? Of course not. What they do have is a passionate interest in the welfare of the children they teach and the need to optimise the potential of each Guernsey child.

Not only is this interest healthy and driven by principle rather than money but it is informed by training, professionalism and experience.

To dismiss teachers' valid and educated opinions as being driven by 'vested interest' is quite shameful.

As a former vice-president of the States Education Council I would be the last person to suggest that the political board has to accept the advice of their professional staff unquestioningly. What I would expect is that any political committee overseeing education gives huge weight to the opinion of head teachers, teachers and other educational professionals. Further, I think they should only go against that advice if they can logically and cogently explain why they think that advice is wrong or flawed.

It is not sufficient to simply say 'I think most people in Guernsey want selection'. You are elected to be political representatives and research issues in depth before voting in the best interests of the island based on the evidence.

You are not elected to be some sort of political weathervane.

Please listen to your informed, professional, experienced and caring teaching staff.


Le Four Cabot,

Route de St Andre, St Andrew's.

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