GSPCA must not forget the basics
HAVING had pets all my life, I'm in a flat now and they are not permitted. It seemed like a good idea to help at the GSPCA, because now I would not be able to 'bring any home'. I called at their headquarters to offer help as a volunteer – I thought walking dogs or tending to cats. Having passed several huddles of inoperative staff chatting (presumably all on their 'break'), I was told that dogs were not taken out for walks because the GSPCA would have to pay an insurance policy to do so, and before I helped with any animals I'd have to do a course. Even in a very bad light, I couldn't look young and I assured the lady that I was looking after all sorts of pets and farm animals long before she was even born. The establishment may be larger and more impressive (with impressive running costs too), but it seems to have lost the root and branch ethics of genuine animal care.
The 'Hollywood' stuff, of rehabilitating seals, turtles and tigers is all very adventurous, romantic, and no doubt attracts public donation, but it seems to me no one is doing the 'hard yards' any more with poor old 'Fido' and 'Tinky.' I wonder if people who pay to board their dogs realise that their pooches are not even getting a proper walk, outside the premises, (unless there is an insurance paid for these privileged few).
Name and address withheld.
Editor's footnote: GSPCA manager, Steve Byrne, responds: May we start by apologising and invite the author of the letter to contact me directly at the shelter please if they wish to speak about any of the points raised. At the GSPCA we have over 300 animals in our care with 17 paid staff and over 600 volunteers helping every year with 100 helping each week to ensure we can care for and rescue animals 24/7. We welcome all new volunteers interested in helping and run an induction every month with two planned in July for anyone that wishes to volunteer. Those that wish to help care for the animals need to be over the age of 14 although we welcome all ages with fundraising and events with appropriate permissions. The inductions and training are a requirement to ensure all legislation in Guernsey is abided by and that all volunteers and team members are aware of the rules and safety on-site as we have animals from a variety of backgrounds and temperaments. To run the GSPCA we have insurance and health and safety policies with requirements, and unfortunately anyone wanting to take animals off site must meet certain criteria as many of the animals may not necessarily belong to the GSPCA. We help over 3,000 animals a year and to care for them and run the shelter costs an average £1,600 a day to help feed them, house them and run the many other operations carried out every day which couldn't be achieved without the wonderful public support we receive. We have on-site volunteers from the age of 14 to 84 which help care for, walk and socialise the many animals at the GSPCA and would love to meet anyone interested in helping. Often there are groups of volunteers and staff discussing and instructing work around site and we are extremely lucky to be supported by many other local groups and businesses that help us on site often in large numbers. Full information can be seen on our website or please call 01481 257261, and again we are sorry if this information wasn't conveyed in the correct way to the author of the letter and we hope to hear from them soon.