Guernsey Press

Let's make air display something special

NOW it is not often that I wish I was a crapaud instead of a donkey, after all our sister island has higher unemployment, bigger debt, GST and a States Assembly that almost makes our lot look normal. But having seen the air display programmes for both islands, I have to say we have a pretty poor show in comparison – lots of boring repeat displays, no exciting fast jets, in fact I just can't be bothered going. That does not mean I wish to denigrate the efforts of the organisers and sponsors who try very hard with a low budget of £60,000, according to the radio this morning.


I am sure that this event could be a tourist draw, so how about Commerce and Employment (I know they are not called that nowadays but I just can't get my head around all these new names and departments, I still refer to the IDC) chipping in some cash, perhaps fund matching the amount raised by the sponsors?

I believe the States of Jersey put some money in the pot.

Now, I have a really radical idea. We have too many bank holidays in May, so how about we scrap the May Day holiday and transfer it to the air display day? This would give us a day to break up the long August to Christmas period and would help make the day really special, plus people could watch the display without bringing the island to a halt.

How about making a £5 charge to park on the grass along the seafront, after all it is technically illegal so the fiver could be split 50/50 between the air display costs and the RAFA charity and after all people happily pay to park their car on L'Ancresse Common for the horse racing.

As a small business, although times are a bit hard, I would offer a donation of, say, £100 if it meant we had a display with the wow factor.

If many other small businesses could chip in with what amounts to a couple of quid a week it may all add up to something significant.

Food for thought, so let's see if we can make display 2017 something special.


Trev's Motorcycles.

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