Planning refusal for showjumpers makes the case for rejecting Les Blanches site
READING the Guernsey Press story on Friday 23 September re. the planners giving a third refusal to an application by the British Showjumping Association, not to allow an agricultural site to be turned into recreational land. The decision notice said that the Development & Planning Authority believed such land should be protected from irreversible development wherever possible. The permanent change of use of the site from agricultural to recreational use would represent an irreversible loss of such land.
It also stated it would present a gateway policy for future replacement of buildings, which would further impact on the agricultural and open character of the landscape.
I felt so gladdened to read this as now I refer once again to the ongoing attempt by Island Developments Ltd to develop the agricultural site in the Les Blanches area, Jerbourg Road, to build a small housing estate. Already this has been refused once and is again on the table for tomorrow for re-application.
We will all watch now with bated breath for the panel sitting to take on board what has been stated in the case of the showjumpers.
This is a clear and precise statement made by the Development & Planning Authority – it has come (excuse the pun) 'straight from the horse's mouth'.
There can now be no possible way for the development of Les Blanches – prime agricultural land – to go ahead as the planners have stated that such land should be protected from irreversible development 'wherever possible'.
The Les Blanches site has been featured in the media several times and its importance as a site of 'prime agricultural land' has been spoken about by the farmers of this island.
Again we say to those who are to make the decisions – those persons in Development & Planning – please protect, as you have already stated, our green and pleasant land.
St Martin's has now got three sites earmarked for housing (and passed) which are suitable for the purpose, but this site is not.
How many more housing sites do we need? Just look at Leale's Yard and the housing it will provide when it comes on stream.
Let's hope the showjumping case gives power to the crucial vote this week – or will it be a case of one rule for one and not the other?
Valletta, Rue des Frieteaux,
St Martin's, GY4 6XA.