Guernsey Press

Sacc will recommend a choice of electoral systems to States

ON SATURDAY 22 October, under the headline 'IWV: four-district option is favourite', the Guernsey Press & Star claimed that the States' Assembly & Constitution Committee's preferred policy for electoral reform is to reduce the number of electoral districts from seven to four. This claim is inaccurate. There is an extant States' Resolution which provides for all deputies to be elected on an island-wide basis in 2020 if the island first approves such a system in a referendum. The committee will deliver on this commitment. As part of its detailed proposals for the referendum, the committee will also recommend providing the island with a reasonable choice of electoral systems in order that the States can be sure that the system to be adopted in the future commands broad support across the island.


The committee is working on its proposals as a matter of priority, as required of it by the States, and expects to report back to the States early in 2017.

Thank you for this opportunity to set the record straight in relation to the aforementioned headline and story.



States' Assembly & Constitution Committee.

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