Guernsey Press

Not 'elitist' to want to keep our Grammar

A WHILE ago a then States deputy called us locals 'inbreds' and now, during the recent Education 11-plus debate, Deputy Michelle Le Clerc called us elitist bigots because we were educated at our Grammar School. I am a product of the 1950s Grammar School and take great exception to being referred to as some kind of upper class fellow looking down on others who went to different schools. We played sport with children from the other schools, made good friends with some of them, went dancing and socialising with them with not a hint of anyone being classed as superior because they attended the Grammar School. What planet is this woman on?


With regard to the education debate, the teaching unions must be delighted with the result, after bombarding our deputies with dozens of emails and now having the chance of getting rid of our wonderful Grammar School at a time when the UK government is intent on creating more grammar schools.

These unions are dominated by hard-left Corbynites. Do we really want this type of left-wing political interference in our island? They now have the cheek to demand that the Education department gets on with implementing the new comprehensive (sorry 'all ability') system without delay.

Dear, oh dear, what has become of our once beautiful, sensible island?

Name and address withheld.

Editor's footnote: Deputy Michelle Le Clerc replies:

It might help your correspondent if I repeat exactly what I said in my speech, not all of which was reported in the newspaper. So I quote:

'As one person who emailed us said "it won't do damage to those less academic, in fact it makes a level playing field as we will always need carpenters, plumbers, watermen etc. those that do better with manual work" This is the sort of bigotry that selection still produces. This is not the kind of society that I want to perpetuate.'

I would not call anyone a bigot unless they held views like those. I am sorry if my remarks have upset anyone else, but at least your correspondent has given me the opportunity to clarify them.

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