Guernsey Press

'Myths' of climate change

I WAS pleased to see that my recent letter regarding waste recycling, in which I mentioned the myth of human-made global warming, has received a response (from guernseyevi@gmail). (Open Lines, 26 January and 3 February).


This is all very good as it promotes a discussion about global warming and enables me to reply to the points raised in that response.

I think it is important to highlight the problems of accepting the mendacious comments quoted as 'accepted truths' i.e. global warming being caused by human CO2 emissions. Politicians, environmentalists and some press are only too willing to continue promoting this myth (for various vested interests). We in the general public are not scientists and you have to delve quite a bit to get at the real truth in this matter (and not what is casually quoted by innocent, but well-meaning people, who unknowingly promote this false idea genuinely believing it to be true). If a lie is repeated enough it becomes the perceived truth. In an effort to try to helpfully point out some 'inconvenient truths' I am sending in this letter.

First, the myth of melting ice caps in Antarctica – a NASA study in 2015 showed that the Antarctic ice sheet has shown a net growth of 194 billion tons between 1992 and 2008.

A second myth is that polar bears are dying off – a study has shown that in the 1950s there were approximately 5,000-10,000 polar bears and in 2014 there are found to be approximately 20,000-25,000 polar bears, an actual increase in polar bears.

A third myth is that 98% of scientists believe that a catastrophic increase in global warming is due to humans – this myth received support from a survey by a student graduate of the American Geographical Union in which he cherry-picked 79 scientists (carefully selected out of 3,146 scientists actually surveyed) and asked them to confirm the proposal – of which 77 out of the 79 (i.e. 98%) said they believed in this.

This was followed by a 2012 survey of 4,014 scientists (by John Cook, climate communications fellow at the Global Change Institute Australia) in which he claimed 98% of scientific papers he surveyed, endorsed the view that the earth is warming up and human emissions of greenhouse gases are the cause. However, subsequent analysis of these claims by David Legates (professor of geography at University of Delaware) plus three other colleagues, showed that only 41 papers out of 11,944 papers actually supported this belief – which is 1% of the 4,014 participants, not 98%. It transpires that John Cook tried to support the 98% scientists myth by including responses which although they didn't say there was man-made global warming, he said he thought it was implied.

A further denial of the myth that 98% of scientists support the global warming argument is proven by a petition signed by 31,487 scientists rejecting the Kyoto 1997 climate agreement, in which they state there is no scientific evidence that human's release of carbon dioxide will cause a catastrophic heating of the earth's atmosphere. This number of scientists is many times more scientists than those involved in the UN IPCC process. For those interested in seeing this petition (which in itself destroys the 98% myth) look on

Other organisations, with a vested interest in promoting the global warming scam (because they earn their living from it) have been found to be altering climate data to promote the false story of global warming. Recently the NOAA US historical Climatology Network have been found to be 'adjusting' its records and replacing real data with theoretical data fabricated by computer models to 'prove' global warming.

In actual fact there has, apparently, been no appreciable increase in climate temperatures for the last 18 years, according to NASA.

This fact is supported by objective, real figures of temperature data taken by satellites, confirmed by ground stations real data.

There was also the recent scandal of the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit, which was found to have been hiding data and real temperature records from the public and adjusting figures to convey the false impression of global warming.

For those interested in getting more interesting information of further 'inconvenient truths' which destroy the global warming myth, have a look at

It is also worth looking at the YouTube coverage of the US Senate investigation into global warming. Dr Don Eastbrook (Professor Emeritus of Geology Western WA University) gave very specific data destroying the man-made global warming myth. If you are interested to see this then type into Google – Dr Don Easterbook presentation to US Senate energy environment committee 2013 – it is over one hour-long, but worth watching if you really want to be informed on this subject. If you want to cut to the portion where he destroys the 98% myth this is approximately at one hour, six minutes, 57 seconds of the presentation.

It is important to understand that scientists who are slurred with the title 'climate change deniers' are not saying there is no climate change – there has always been climate change over thousands of years, e.g. there have been 20 periods of global warming-cooling-warming cycles since 1480 (long before industrialisation). What they are saying is this is a completely natural cycle that is more affected by the sun (solar activity) and the ocean temperatures. CO2 levels follow the global temperature and do not cause it.

I also want to say that this viewpoint is completely different to the problem with waste pollution, for example the throwing of plastic into oceans (which is dreadful). But as we are following certain waste strategies purely to avoid man-made global warming, it is these strategies that I question.

I think my original suggestion of extending our landfill is perfectly compatible with this point rather than pursuing 'recycling' to meet some EU/UK standards that were introduced to 'reduce global warming' and meet some arbitrary targets.

I do believe it is important to speak out on this subject as we are at risk, in Guernsey, of slavishly being sucked into this false belief mantra and thereby installing unnecessary solutions to false problems which will end up costing us £millions.


Les Traudes,

St Martin's.

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