Guernsey Press

Would width tax hit drivers who keep bigger cars for off-island use?

IN PETER ROFFEY'S socialist world, is it the 'purchase' of a wider car that is wrong, or 'using' it in Guernsey? If it is the latter, how does he propose to treat people like me – and I am certainly not alone – who use a small car on the island and keep a large car in the garage ready to take off-island when I go on longer trips, say to France, Spain, Portugal or even parts of the UK? Do I get taxed by PR and Co because I have the temerity to actually buy a larger car, even if I do not use it here? Hmm, not sure that sounds very fair.


I have already been taxed, quite heavily, for the heinous offence of purchasing a car with a larger engine, even though 99% of the emissions for which I am being financially punished are emitted off-island.

What next? Maybe I should buy a large green bus, drive it around the island with only one or two passengers, force other drivers up on to the pavement and go smiling, untaxed, on my way. Do you know, I really prefer a non-socialist world where we live and let live.


Ivy Gates,

St Peter Port.

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