Adult further education is worth cost - fees hike will see fewer users
I SEE there is an understandable furore regarding the increased cost of adult further education courses, with the beekeepers and the birdwatchers already saying it will make their courses too expensive. Now I, from choice, have no children but for decades I have been paying my taxes towards educating the children of others. Is it fair or right therefore that people like myself or my wife should be financially penalised for wishing to attend adult education classes? I really do not think so. After all, we have been financially supporting the loss-making Beau Sejour for decades, so why cannot Education support adult education classes?
I understand that some community groups have already left their previous States-run meeting places because of the uncertainty of the cost of using the facilities.
Day and evening classes should not be priced out of existence. My wife has said that if it costs £200 a term for her adult education class then she will probably give it up. I am sure she will not be alone.
Trev's Motorcycles.