Minister missing point on sea wall
HAVING this week seen on the BBC evening news how the Greenland ice fields are melting at an unprecedented rate, with the inevitable rising of sea levels, and in a decade where winter storms are becoming more frequent and more violent, it would not seem to be the best time to be considering removing part of what has for the past 70 years proved to be a very effective sea defence at L'Ancresse. No one can know exactly what effect leaving a gap in the current wall will have. It seems an extremely dangerous premise that a sand dune similar to the one in the 1930s will develop where the section of wall has been removed.
The Environment president's tweet in response to the interview on Guernsey Radio with the representative of the golf course management LBG that it would only be 200 metres of wall entirely misses the point that it is precisely that 200 metres that will affect the relevant part of the golf course plus the beach kiosk and facilities.
Bunker Hill,