Schools need to realise that an A* is not all important
I KNOW a lot of kids were disappointed this year again that they couldn’t pursue their chosen subjects because they ‘didn’t have the grades.’ But... surely this is the responsibility of the school as much as the child?
What about all the guff the Education Department spouts on about all the time on growth mindset and not giving in, when at the first hurdle the Grammar teachers abandon the kids. Absolute disgrace.
Anyway, reading 5 September’s papers it appears that a Grammar school in England trying the same nasty trick has been told it’s illegal and they must allow the kids to go through from AS to A Level if they want to.
How about the Guernsey Press championing our kids in the same way? Surely if England have to do it then we should too? Why are our kids disadvantaged? We pay our taxes.
The job of the school is to improve grades not that everyone has to have an A*.
Name and address withheld.
Editor’s footnote: Committee for Education, Sport & Culture declined to comment on this occasion.