Guernsey Press

All aboard the shuttle bus ‘hobby horse’

MAY I welcome Lesley Perchard aboard my hobby horse when she writes of shuttle buses. (Open Lines, 6 November) I have long advocated two or three airport-style buses shuttling between a new multi-storey car park to be built adjoining Frossard House and running as far as the Weighbridge or even Salerie Corner in a continuous link.


Drop-off and pick-up points along the route would get workers and shoppers close to their destination and a return to their car later in the day at a time that suits them.

The large States-owned area of land in the Charroterie which now houses only a few cars could, if it was properly planned, contain nearly 1,000 in a five-level modestly-priced parking facility.

It would be available to the dozens of civil servants working in Frossard House and to commuters coming in from the south and west. The traffic through the Bordage, Fountain Street and North Esplanade would be drastically reduced, making the whole area much less polluted. The reduction in stress on drivers trying to find parking at unearthly hours of the morning combined with a comfortable ride to work in the Town area would, I am sure, be warmly welcomed.

It would also make possible a great reduction in the number of cars on the Albert and Victoria piers or even their complete removal. No one can pretend that lines of vehicles covering our beautiful harbour and seafront add anything to Guernsey’s image.

Even the Townie magazine vaguely mentioned the idea, though in such a wishy-washy way that it served no useful purpose.


St Peter Port.