Is States taking lottery proceeds from charities?
LAST year here at Trev’s Motorcycles we worked very hard to sell the Christmas lottery tickets and our sales were 20% up.

Great news for our local charities, but then someone involved with a local charity somewhat spoiled our feelings of goodwill by telling me that in Jersey the charities get 100% of the lottery profits, whereas here in Guernsey our States take half the profits and only half actually goes to charity.
Now, I know that advancing years have made me rather cynical, but surely even our States of Guernsey would not stoop this low, would they?
Please can someone tell me whether this is true, because if it is I feel it reflects extremely badly on our government.
After all, were they not telling us that we must be seen to do our bit when deputies Lester Queripel and Joe Mooney asked that overseas aid be debated?
It would surely be double standards if we donate taxpayers’ money to overseas aid and yet take lottery proceeds away from our local charities.
Trev’s Motorcycles.