Guernsey Press

Respect the decision made on education

At THE CLOSE of the recent debate on two-schools v. three-schools, Deputy Meerveld predicted a ballistic public pushback (his words) – which sounded more like a warning and a threat. Well, we did not have to wait long, as news of a protest march scheduled for yesterday appeared in the Guernsey Press of 25 January. Another well-planned manipulation of public opinion by a disgruntled deputy who cannot accept the result of a democratic vote.


With any debate there are winners and losers. On hearing the result of the education debate, and subsequently in the pages of the Guernsey Press, a number of deputies ‘on the losing side’ promptly invited the Assembly to rally behind the winning vote and work to get the majority decision implemented and to deliver the chosen education system.

This was too much for Deputy Meerveld to stomach, resulting in his long outburst.

Such tactics are totally unacceptable, particularly from a States member.

Does this episode mark a turning point in Guernsey politics? Ignore the democratic vote, use social media to create a resistance group etc.

The people who attended the march should have first asked themselves why they have become so intolerant and undemocratic. Why are they refusing to accept a majority decision by their elected deputies? Our island community can do without people behaving like the ‘remainders’ in the UK Brexit vote, or the Democrats in the recent US election, both groups still refusing to accept the result of a democratic vote, and continuing to interfere with the process of government.