Bus purchase raises questions about Environment’s green credentials
ENVIRONMENT’S decision to ask the States to fund £3m. for diesel buses really is going to be a game-changer this term.
Why not electric? York has just signed a £3.3m. contract to buy 24 electric buses, so why is Guernsey staying with diesel? We are told ‘it’s not the right time’ by the minister for Environment with little explanation but there has never been a better time, as it’s now or live with these diesel burners for 15/20 years.
Environment constantly drive the motorist through charges to change their habits to cleaner fuel options, rightfully so, and the charges on diesel emissions clearly show their position on trying to reduce diesel sales. If this decision to fund diesel buses is passed, what does it tell us but ‘do as we say, not as we do’ and sends out a message buy diesel as it’s not the right time for change.
The deputies who support ‘environmental changes’ during this term can take this opportunity to really nail their colours to the mast because if this goes through clearly their ‘green credentials’ will be questioned.
Le Mont Saint Garage.
Editor’s footnote: Deputy Barry Brehaut, president, Committee for Environment & Infrastructure, replies:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your reader. I would like to refer them to the article published in the Press dated 23 February which deals with the issues raised in their correspondence. They might also find our Frequently Asked Questions document useful, which can be found at gov.gg/buses.