Our Americanisation ends when it comes to changing dictatorship
PERHAPS it is time to point out once again to our big brother government we are an island and not a country like America, which they are trying to turn us into.
Having said that, they only want to change the things that suits them when Americanising Guernsey.
We now have campuses not schools and students not school children, yet when it come to democracy it changes and we have a dictatorship.
We will have two schools which will be colleges. We will pay more for rubbish to be dumped. We will not burn our rubbish because that is against the law. We will get out of our cars (that we are allowed to buy and insure) and use the buses. We will keep our dogs on leads. We will shop local. We will declare all our earnings, even the smallest win on the lottery. Meaning we can spend £2 buying a ticket but if we get that £2 back with the lowest of amount you can get off a winning ticket it has to be declared as income, and so it goes on.
Another thing has come to light that if we go into a bank and change any money we have saved in coins (in our little piggy banks) we have to put it into the bank and withdraw it again. Not sure who made this one up, but it is crazy. Could it be that this is declared as a saving by the States who are given permission to be able to look into your bank account if you are struggling to live and are on a rent rebate? Who knows?
Anyway, whatever – we are in a mess.
Even the people’s phone-in on radio is being taken over by deputies phoning in and taking the people’s time away. Listening to the programme this week it is not hard to see why we are in the mess we are. We are told some will not go on the programme anymore. Well that smacks of the fact they have been brought to task and not got their own way when answering questions by being told a few home truths. They are willing to make statements and go on programmes where they can spill their rubbish with no chance of anyone questioning them, though.
Also we had the fact that one deputy says he thinks it is wrong for families to pay anything at the cost of pensioners and his mate on the programme saying completely the opposite.
One saying no one would keep dogs in a room like the ones pupils and teachers are in at the Mare de Carteret, yet failing to point out it is him and/or his cronies who have let them get in that state.
Sorry, but again it is very clear how some of them twiddle their thumbs thinking of some way to naff things up.
Get an idea – put it forward and the rest of the crew vote the idea through after talking about it for years and then realise they had no plan in place to follow up this idea.
Like now with the schools. There should have been a plan on the table as to where the schools would be, if they were going to build new ones or have two of the old schools as the main two, but no. The idea was voted in and then the infrastructure is thought about.
No folks. We are in a mess and if anyone with a bit of common sense thinks they are going to get elected to try and sort this mess out, forget it. The clan is in place and will soon destroy anyone thinking of doing that. Believe me. I tried it.
Maybe at a lower level of politics, but I have seen how it works within, and if anyone is going to speak for the people, they are not going to be around for long.
Sorry if anyone does not like the truth or it touches a nerve in some places, but, dictatorship rules for anyone halfway or lower down the ladder, like it or not.
5, Rosemount,
Mont Arrive,
St Peter Port,
GY1 2AF.