Guernsey Press

Waste charges should be linked to the size of the household

RE: STATES of Guernsey waste rates. £2.50 black bag – OK. But £85 per house needs to be corrected: £85 per house of one person, no; £85 per house of six or 10 people, yes. It should be based on the number of people in the house.


Who in the States decides on charges, deputies or civil servants? If you do not want critics, think please before you print. You are putting more pressure on Guernsey people. Raising taxes – it’s too easy. It would be good to see in the Press something good the States had done, like dropping taxes, like in the old days, 1950-60, and we had tourists then.

Too many people in the States are taking high salaries and not achieving anything.

Can someone please explain to myself and the people of Guernsey why we cannot fill quarries with waste, with all the past experience we have of doing that, and reclaim valuable land.

I thought at 80 I would not have to write, or fight for our rights, but we have to.

Come on Guernsey people, we pay the parish to dump our waste already. Just talking or moaning is no good. Get together – people power eh, fair play we want. You are chasing the young out.


Rocquaine Villa, Route du Coudre,

St Peter’s, GY7 9HX.