Overcharged by gas company
I AM sure I am not alone in feeling that the gas company has overcharged me.
In January 2016 the gas company changed the way of charging.
The cost per unit decreased from 12.7399 pence to 8.9053 pence.
The standing charge was changed from 34.0632 pence a day to a new rate depending on the usage (based on the amounts used for the previous five years). The new rate for me was 176.8419 pence a day, based on the previous five years’ usage, although the last two years would have put me on a much cheaper scale. My usage was drastically reduced in the years 2014 and 2015, partly because I had a new, more efficient boiler fitted and also because my circumstances changed and I used much less gas in an effort to save money.
I requested that the charge be decreased to a lower band. This was done with effect from 23 May 2017, the new rate being 77.1572 pence a day. That is 99p a day less than I had been charged.
I feel that I should be reimbursed for the overcharge for the period January 2016 to 22 May 2017, i.e. 507 days at 99p, approximately £500.
Where else do you pay for a service or goods based on the amount the company thinks you will use and not be adjusted and reimbursed once the usage is known?
I have visited the accounts department at the gas company and have had long discussions with the very helpful lady there. She understood my concerns and wrote several emails to the head of the accounts department in the Isle of Man.
I pay what I owe by direct debit. I had been paying £50 a month and then also another monthly direct debit of £125 was taken, hence I was paying £175 a month. This is crazy as I was using less than £50-worth of gas a quarter.
I am told by the teller at the bank that I am not the only person to have these problems with the gas company – another older lady went into the bank in a very distressed state. This woman had nobody to help her.
My advice to anyone who is starting out is go electric or oil with a standing order, not a direct debit. Avoid gas.
I pay most of my bills by direct debit and have never had any trouble with any other company.
Finally, I think it should be made public that with a direct debit, unlike a standing order, the company concerned can amend the amount at will.
Clos de Mont Arrive,
St Peter Port,
GY1 2AG.
Editor’s footnote: Guernsey Gas managing director Ian Plenderleith replies:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for bringing this problem to my attention. We have thoroughly reviewed the issues raised and can confirm that you have been overcharged during the periods stated in your letter. A detailed written response has been posted to you and we have arranged a full refund, which will be paid straight away.
The quality of customer service you received was not up to our usual high standards. You brought a problem to the attention of Guernsey Gas and it is regrettable that it was not handled with the sufficient care and attention it deserved.
Quite simply, this was not good enough and does not meet the levels of service that our customers deserve and expect, or that we aspire to achieve.
We have subsequently amended our customer complaints procedures to ensure that the situation you described does not happen again in the future.
On behalf of Guernsey Gas, I would like to personally apologise to you for the distress you have been caused and the quality of customer service you received.