Reinstating the filter would solve junction dilemma
I AM writing about the new planned junction at Grandes Maison Road.
Why do we need to spend £85,000 on a set of lights when a simple filter put back would do the job?
The reason for the new layout according to the planners is so pedestrians and bikes can cross more safely but they are introducing a waiting area in Grandes Maison Road so bikes can cross in front of the cars turning in, this is an accident waiting to happen.
If a filter was put back as it was years ago the bikes would have a turn to get out and across to the cycle path and any pedestrians can continue walking along the pavement to the bottom of Delancey Lane to cross on the existing crossing. Ah, but I hear those voices out there say, this is foolish, what if the pedestrian wants to go around to Bulwer Avenue, well they should walk down the motor tax road and cross at the lights already in place.
This is no different to those people living in the new estates down the Red Lion. If they want to get to the seafront the only two crossings are Elizabeth Avenue and Track Lane.
To get to Track Lane they have to walk from the Red Lion on the left of the road with no pavement or walk up First Tower Lane and again walk on the road to Elizabeth Avenue, again with no pavement.
How many new houses have been rammed in this area as they are like shoe boxes and how many are elderly or infirm people?
There is no need for this new crossing, just paint a filter back and that would sort the problem.
Our island, because of a few eco warriors in the States, are spending a fortune on bikes who pay nothing towards it. Bring back a bike tax and this will help. We have had cycle paths put out especially for them, bike racks around the island, all at the taxpayers’ expense.
They are pushing to get us all out of our cars, but this has the knock-on effect of not getting enough tax back on fuel etc. so where will this have to come from, oh yes, the motorist.
Also while the Vale Road and the recent Braye Road closures were in place the Traffic Committee made the decision to allow access to cycles.
I have no problem with a cyclist riding to the roadworks and dismounting and then walking past the works and setting off again, but to allow them to physically ride through is madness. Who is covering their insurance if they get hurt? The Traffic Committee? The contractor? Or are they like a car uninsured?
With current health and safety like it is, this needs to be decided before someone gets hurt.
To me a road closed is a road closed and keep out unless you need access to a property.
Name and address withheld