Guernsey Press

A happy place? Only if you’re a millionaire...

WHERE is this island going?


Time and again we think a new set of people entering the States as deputies will lead to changes after they have come to our doorsteps telling us they are going to make a difference. In a way they are not wrong because things do change, but it would appear for the worst.

It will not improve under the new island-wide voting system either.

As is the way with governments (well, ours anyway), the system is set up so the dangerous, harmful people who are ruining and destroying the island will get back in power and re-elected into the minister positions they are in now to continue dictating what we will have and not what we want.

The people were never asked what they wanted in the vote in the recent referendum. They were given a choice of five (again under the which is your first, second, third and so on choices in order) selected by the government.

With an island-wide voting system of this kind (the proposal they knew well would be the one voted in), where people can have 38 votes on a paper, they know the majority of voters (because they can) will use the lot.

This means that a complete clown – and we have more than a fair share of them dictating to us – can get back in by being the last choice on people’s papers – and even to the extent of topping the polls. It’s a complete farce.

They may just as well have left it as it was. It may not have been the people’s favourite choice, but ‘one person, one vote’ or even a choice of two or three (a system the idiots in office would have been terrified of) was never a choice offered to us. Nothing putting them in too much danger of not getting back in office was put on the list as a choice. It is so easy to look like you are doing the people a favour and giving them what they want, but really, actually just widening a bad system that was in place on a smaller scale.

I am quite prepared to admit I did not vote on anything offered because the whole thing was set up in the government’s favour and I could not see anything good coming out of the offers listed to (so-called) change what is happening and going to happen in the island.

I cannot see this island ever being a happy place to live for people other than millionaires or those sufficiently well off.

The people in power now, and set to return under the new system, have ruined the schools, the traffic and the rubbish, to mention just three, and are looking at being elected for five years or more. They will not stand down under any vote of no confidence, they totally ignore any vote that goes against what they want to do and just go ahead and do it anyway. If they do at any time not get their own way, they resign.

They set up a group promising to do what is best for the island (exactly what they were supposed to be doing anyway) and then like children throw their toys because they cannot agree – and again resign.

What future do we really have to look forward to? People making longer journeys and longer traffic jams as they are guided in the direction of two schools. Having to spend more money on new uniforms and so on.

You think we are in a mess now? We have seen nothing yet.

Sorry guys, but voting on ideas such as the two-school thing and not having any kind of plan in place beforehand could only lead to trouble.

I may be in the minority here, but I just cannot see our present government (or the majority of them) being interested in anything apart from education, finance and getting and keeping millionaires living in the island.


5, Rosemount,

Mont Arrive,

St Peter Port,

GY1 2AF.