New year, same old struggles
HERE we are in a new year where talking to most of our States deputies will make not the slightest bit of difference and we will be made to struggle even more.
Sadly the years ahead will not be any better either. After all, the poor old pensioner who worked so hard and looked forward to retirement has got another rise that is not worth a jot.
The forgotten people of my generation were not lucky enough to have lived in an age where money was thrown at them like today in finance and have to live in States houses, or even in private accommodation (which must be even harder to make ends meet).
You have been blessed by having a rise in pension that has been swallowed up in one fell swoop by an increase in rent, milk and payment for black sacks.
Does it not warm one’s heart to know that the rest of the things like food products that go up three times a year these days will have to be left out of your diet because the rise in your pension has already been taken off you by just these three things?
Also, there is the added bonus that from 2020 the pension age will start to rise, going up from 65 to 70.
From 1 March 2020 the pension age will increase annually by two months. This means anyone born after 1 March 1979 will be lucky enough to work until they are 70 years of age.
Who are these people that make these stupid laws? They obviously have never done any manual labour in their spoilt lives. They also come out with whatever suits them in respect of their ever-increasing quotes that there are more people living longer. We all know that, but there are also more people working and paying taxes to cover that fact. Perhaps the government should be looking at not giving people the money back they paid in taxes while working in the island on an X-amount of months contract/permit.
They should also take a step back and look at what they throw money at in respect of whether they are spending for the sake of it and because they can, instead of looking at whether it is needed or not.
Beware of politicians who cannot do anything without money and those who want to do everything with it.
We are being ripped off in Guernsey and sadly a lot of the time by our own.
It is time the people made our government aware that they should be afraid of the people, instead of the people being afraid of them.
Look closely at our leaders this year before they start sucking up to us because there is an election on the horizon. Be wise as well and make notes.
Also be wise and vote for one or two people on your election papers next year and not the whole amount given to you because they are available. That is the damp squib’s way of getting back into power.
5 Rosemount,
Mont Arrive,
St Peter Port,
GY1 2AF.