Guernsey Press

Put 5G on hold until health fears cease

ON WEDNESDAY 19 January, Deputy Dudley-Owen had a letter published entitled ‘Community first with 5G’. Upon reading the article I felt compelled to respond.


Far from putting me at ease, which I can only assume the article set out to achieve, I feel more concerned than ever that Guernsey is forging ahead to become the ‘guinea pigs’ for its introduction without any true consideration for the island’s health whatsoever.

5G works completely differently to the 4G microwaves (these still aren’t ideal) but 5G waves are much shorter, which essentially means that Guernsey will require many more masts to ensure penetration of signal. This new technology remains untested.

The 5G signal releases millimetre waves, which many scientists are concerned will essentially irradiate everyone. Those most at risk? Pregnant women, babies in the womb and young children – think being permanently placed in an airport scanner.

Over 245 scientists worldwide have signed a petition (link below) expressing their grievous concern over studies that prove how 5G is highly likely to become a ticking time bomb. These show clear evidence of the likelihood of increased rates of cancer damage to human skin, eyes, DNA damage, sleep disorders, neurological damage, damage to child development... the list is both shocking and endless. Then there’s the environmental impact – initial studies also suggest wildlife, including our bees, and plant foliage react particularly poorly to this radiation.

I see that Ms Dudley-Owen has attempted to allay any fears that there may be by highlighting how ‘well-regulated and closely managed’ the roll-out will be of this technology, with licences to be obtained and standards to be met set by the ‘recognised international body the Independent Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection’.

It is only upon learning more about the impressive-sounding ‘ICNIRP’ that you discover this is an extremely industry-loyal non-government organisation with, as Dr Lennart Hardell succinctly put it in his article in the Journal of Oncology, a ‘serious conflict of interests’.

This body has hugely important influences in the telecommunications, military and power industries. While I’m no expert, many scientists state how its data is significantly flawed because it conveniently considers only the short-term impact of radiation and immediate health risks, seemingly ignoring the longer term, non-thermal health risks including that of cancer. I’m not even referring specifically to data on 5G here – this largely remains untested, as millimetre waves have never before been used in this capacity and on this scale.

Let’s not be fooled, this is all about big business and making industries billions of additional pounds. While I’m not strictly opposed to this in principle, we should certainly not be willing to risk our community for it.

There are a number of countries that have now pushed back the use of 5G until further tests have been done. Guernsey needs to make a decision, for the good of its community (perhaps why I find the heading on Ms Dudley Owen’s letter so ironic), to halt the potential roll-out of this technology and to halt it now.

Perhaps what I find most shocking of all is that in today’s world we could potentially be subjected to something that endangers our lives over which we have absolutely no control. If this is introduced, we can’t just ‘avoid’ the technology or switch it off, we’re stuck with it, along with all of its potential dangers.

Can you even begin to imagine the uproar if the Guernsey States started to insist on using asbestos in every household on the island? Or permitted smoking in restaurants, bars and clubs again? The frightening thing is this could potentially be so much worse, we simply don’t know.

Personally, I will do whatever it takes to put this technology on hold until we have absolute, unbiased proof that these health fears are unfounded or otherwise.

Our community voice is exceptional and in instances such as this we are small enough to ensure our voices are heard.

Large countries like the USA aren’t so fortunate, so let’s make a difference.

I am purely trying to ensure the safety of my children and future children on this island and I cannot see, with the introduction of 5G, how that could continue.

Please consider the above and there is now a newly set up petition available online. Please visit to help our cause.

Thank you.