Take off the tin foil hat – 5G will do no harm
WHY do you keep printing rubbish from someone who has such conviction to his/her cause that he/she can’t even supply a name and address?
I refer to the regular letters from an anti-5G correspondent who picks up selective rubbish from the internet. This person needs to know that 5G radiation is non-ionising, therefore safe. Ionising radiation occurs at frequencies from the high ultra-violet into X-rays and on into gamma rays. 5G frequencies are even lower than visible light, in which we are all bathed every day and most of the night from artificial sources. You would sustain more damage from an hour in the summer sun due to the ultra-violet component than you ever would from a lifetime of exposure to the low-power 5G radiation transmitted for communication in the modern world.
Take off your tin-foil hat Mr/Ms Name and address supplied.
Rue des Fleurs,
Les Prins,
GY6 8HA.