Guernsey Press

No north-south divide for deputies

I WRITE with grave concern that the easy but lazy tag line that appears to be used by the Guernsey Press being all about a north v. south divide, and that reporters seem intent on portraying this when commenting on (or selectively quoting deputies’ submissions) with regard to development in the ‘north’ of Guernsey. That only northern deputies are concerned or should be concerned.


As I submitted to a Guernsey Press reporter on 19 March: ‘My concerns aren’t based purely on north or south divide, we are one island, one community so let’s not try to use the north against the south when really it is more of the east that is densely populated compared to the west or south.’

In the Guernsey Press on 30 March it was reported that ‘northern’ deputies are concerned about developments, with various quotes from northern deputies. I wonder whether any deputies from other parishes were approached for their views. I can assure your readers that the concern is far more reaching than just ‘northern’ deputies and wish to remind readers that, upon election, deputies represent all of the island and not just a specific district.

Many deputies who were elected in different districts have shared their concerns with me, as well as support and input into how we should consider amending the IDP to be more reflective of the States’ intention and our community’s expectations and needs.

I feel very strongly that we need to build and retain sustainable communities and that all of our community should be able to enjoy green space, live in desirable environments, with good infrastructure and have due regard for their neighbours. Civil harmony benefits us all. This is more about how densely populated we are prepared to let our main centres or local centres become and what can we do to alleviate the density but still be wary of urban creep. This is about living in a sustainable community.

As a ‘northern’ deputy, I would ask the Guernsey Press not to reinforce the idea of a ‘north-south’ divide, when the reality is that deputies from across the island are concerned about ongoing developments, and it will take the votes of deputies from every district to make the changes I believe we need to see.


Address withheld.