Guernsey Press

Enough development – prioritise green space

READING the front page of the Press of 7 May, ‘DPA should be looking to save undeveloped land’, and the Open Lines letter, ‘We must change our ways in face of climate threat’, I wonder whether we should be applying this adage to the use of our land.


At what point do we say enough land has been developed and focus on making what we have as fuel efficient, economical and fit for purpose as we can? I imagine there is plenty of work for the building industry in regenerating the existing stock, which is where the focus would shift if undeveloped land was made permanently unavailable.

Considering the global problems facing us, we should be perhaps thinking of what new green spaces and planting could be created rather than handing over land for development.

Let’s in fact encourage applications to turn derelict building spaces back into green spaces. We look on in horror at images of rainforest deforestation, but in our own small way we are doing the same.


Belle Escale,

Route des Capelles,

St Sampson’s,
