Travel links are so bad that you want to weep
I WISH it were possible to write something cheerful and complimentary about travelling to and from this island, but with an air service far too prone to ‘technical’ delays, now only offering links to the UK, and a ‘fast’ ferry that should never have been dumped on us, the options for travel with any degree of certainty are increasingly curtailed. How on Earth dare Guernsey have the effrontery to waste so much money promoting itself as an international business centre, or even a tourist destination? Are we so impoverished, impotent, complacent and lacking any sense of pride that we cannot even provide a half-decent facility for such a vital lifeline? When asked by contacts of mine if they should seriously consider coming here on a permanent basis, despite the idyllic lifestyle it offers I have to be honest and warn them that if their business is reliant on overseas travel, they really need to think again, or arrange unrestricted access to private aviation, as it is becoming increasingly a nightmare trying to plan ahead with any half-reasonable degree of certainty – let alone swallowing the uncontrolled rising costs of any such public transport.
Guernsey is resolutely set on economic self-isolation from the rest of Europe, it seems to me.
This sometimes metaphorically makes me want to weep – and, whilst others in the world may just laugh when it comes to such a vital issue as this, do I really have to cry alone?
St Peter Port.