Support Jennifer Merrett’s requete on changes to IDP
I WOULD like, through your pages, to appeal to everyone who cares about the over-development of Guernsey (particularly in the north), loss of green and open spaces, loss of protection for our wildlife and habitats and the over-emphasis of our Island Development Plan (and therefore the Planning Authority and their staff) on development rather than protection from development.
This plan came into force two and a half years ago, and it is clear from the draft development frameworks issued since then, that the combined pressure of potential new developments on the underlying structure of services and roads is being disregarded, and also the plan in parts is not working as expected.
Deputy Jennifer Merrett and her like-minded deputies have put together a most meaningful requete to be debated in the States Assembly soon. This is asking for changes to the Island Development Plan in this term of government, rather than waiting the full five years before a review is undertaken. Their concern is that to delay will result in open spaces being developed instead of being protected, and that, once developed, the green space is lost forever.
This Assembly enacted the plan and they are accountable for it. They should have the opportunity to amend it and/or set the political direction if they believe the
policies aren’t delivering what
they expected.
Here is a brief list of changes the requete asks for in reports from various committees by April 2020:
z Give greater consideration to the cumulative impact of separate developments, and density
z Re-evaluate the need for development frameworks and any associated thresholds
z Consider prioritisation on housing allocation areas, to protect greenfield sites
z Give protection to more areas of open land in the main centres, their outer areas, and local centres
z Areas of biodiversity importance protection needs enhancing, some may need the same protection as sites of special significance
z Incorporate the findings of the Guernsey Housing Market Review and accompanying policy letter, and bring forward the review of land supply for housing and employment
z Consider how the development of community plans can be stimulated and supported
z Hold a review of the role and function of the Development & Planning Authority
z Integrate reviews of the Strategic Land Use Plan and the IDP into the Policy & Resources plan process, timing by the final Policy & Resources plan of this States term to enable meaningful debate within each States term
z By April 2020 introduce third party representations in the planning tribunal process
z Policy & Resources Committee to produce a policy letter on the regeneration of the Bridge area, to enable the progression of development
z Policy & Resources Committee to find sufficient resources to enable the work set out in these propositions to be achieved within the timescales directed
z Direct the preparation of such legislation as is necessary to give effect to the decisions
Everyone please take action before it’s too late. It’s vital you tell your deputies how you feel.
All deputies please take note.
I would ask you all to support this requete on my behalf.
Please also raise the following point during debate or amend the requete, asking that undeveloped land within conservation areas remains undeveloped, or conservation areas become sites of special significance with those higher protections. This is because Planning appear to place value/protection on only the built environment in conservation areas, but many of us think that the unbuilt environment there also needs protection. IDP Policy GP4 needs amending to place value on that open space.
Park Villa,
Rue des Monts,
St Sampson’s,
GY2 4HR.