Guernsey Press

No such thing as man-made global warming

TO THE author of Veganism to save the planet. There is no such thing as man-made global warming. Yes the planet is warming up, but as a result of sunspot activity. Nothing we can do about it. In fact during the last ice age CO2 levels were a lot higher than now, this is a scientific fact. The Earth is not getting warmer as a result of increased CO2 levels, but the reverse; CO2 levels are increasing as a result of the Earth warming. And as a result the Earth is getting greener. Also since records began there has been no measurable increase in the sea levels (would someone please inform Jersey as they intend to waste millions on raising sea walls. Why do governments always seem to bow to minority groups?). How can you liken vegans to being a group similar to past unacceptable practices? It is nothing like that.
