Guernsey Press

Investigation needed on ESC appointment

AFTER reading the Press article about the Education appointment farce beginning to unravel, I assume that there will be vigorous requests from the top table for Matt Fallaize and the Education committee to resign in light of things?


Ah... wait a moment, that might not be so straightforward, as some of the top table appear to be involved in this charade. Maybe the top table could survive with a few less members...

Will Scrutiny call for an immediate investigation into this?

Oh... hang on...

It’s alleged that someone left as she (I believe) didn’t want to sign for a permit when there was a suitable local available for the job... so then the question is, who signed that form?

As a normal member of the community would almost certainly face a criminal investigation, I take it our elected representatives are not above the law?

After all, transparency is this States’ watchword and the Guernsey public would take heart in such a show of good relations and respect for due process...

I wonder if now is a good time to re-check all recent new appointments, just for the purposes of avoiding anything a smidge embarrassing...


Address withheld.