Guernsey Press

In support of compulsory microchipping

I WRITE in support of the comments made by Sue Vidamour in the Press.


In the late 1990s a Guernsey animal welfare panel was formed under the chair of Deputy Peter Roffey to look at and revise all animal legislation on the island. As the founder chairman of Guernsey Animal Aid, I sat on the panel together with a wide representation from local animal charities, local farmers, the States vet and the RSPCA.

One of the items discussed was the compulsory microchipping of animals starting with dogs. The secretary of the committee wrote to all the parish committees to ask if they would repeal dog tax to cover the cost of owners microchipping their animals – and this was rejected by the majority of the parishes.

The panel decided that, in considering the bigger picture, it was probably wiser to leave microchipping out of the recommendations in order that the rest of the proposals would get the support of the douzaines.

History shows the extensive delays in advancing any of the recommendations made by the panel and regrettably microchipping was confined to the dusty dungeons of the States Chambers. How sad was that?


