Guernsey Press

People should have a vote on ESC’s proposed spending

HAVING read your letter page on 14 August, I applaud the teachers for coming out against the ludicrous plans of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture.


Please, someone listen to reason and stop the needless waste of money that is being thrown at this.

To say the Grammar School at 34 years is no longer fit for purpose is ridiculous, how many people would expect their houses to be unfit in that timescale? If that is the case, then the lack of maintenance has to be to blame and the States department is at fault for not repairing and maintaining the buildings.

Talking to most parents, they do not want to see two giant schools, and in fact they were quite happy with the excellent results our children were getting. Save the £157m. and let’s spend the money on staffing the existing schools.

The UK is now considering returning to a grammar-type education as their giant schools do not work. The traffic around two large schools is going to be horrific.

As for Mr Fallaize and his committee, I think they should all resign as they have been totally discredited. There must be an investigation into their behaviour and we should be told who signed off the application for residency. If a private firm did this, there would be an outcry.

I think the Guernsey people should have a vote on spending these huge amounts of money, as many of the States appear to be on a power trip.

Our children deserve better than these half-baked plans.