Guernsey Press

Proposed anti-discrimination law is onerous and unnecessary

THE anti-discrimination legislation proposed by the States should be described as a malingerers’ charter.


Guernsey does not need such radical measures being passed into law.

It would be better if the persons behind these proposals spent their time on encouraging successful businesses to thrive in this island, instead of seeking to burden the existing employers with a raft of onerous and unnecessary legislation.

I understand that employees should be able to look to the law for redress if they feel they have been seriously wronged by an employer, or by others in their workplace, but the legislation as proposed would tilt the balance much too far in favour of a small minority of people who are well versed in working the system to their own advantage, and to the disadvantage of not only their employers, but also adversely affecting the wellbeing and ultimately the actual jobs of their workmates.

The proposals should be thrown out wholesale.

If the States in their wisdom consider that some legislation is required to give further protection to employees in Guernsey, which is by no means a proven case, then they should try to find either from among their members or elsewhere some people who can draw up sensible proposals which, as well as further protecting the interests of working people, also frustrate the efforts of the small minority who have no regard for the success of Guernsey enterprises, and whose sole objective is to seek personal gain regardless of the consequences for their employers or their colleagues.

The existing proposals reek of left-wing political dogma, which if allowed to become the norm will lead to this island slipping even further behind Jersey than it has done so already.

If deputies wish to divide the House into left and right, they should be made to state their political beliefs at election time so that the electorate really know what they are voting for.

I do implore the States to look again and reject these proposals.


Saumarez Lodge,

Queens Road, St Peter Port.