Guernsey Press

Please leave our little jewel well alone

I WAS appalled to see what the Little Chapel Foundation are planning to do to our Little Chapel.


After reading the article in the GP on Saturday 7 December, I took the time to look at the proposed plans myself.

I have been led to believe the Brothers (who owned the Little Chapel) gave it away for £1 so that it could be restored sympathetically. I know lots of people have donated money towards the restoration, which cost in the region of £500,000. Well I say leave it alone now. I like to take the grandchildren, look at the cows, wander around the clockmaker’s/silversmith’s, grab a coffee and Guernsey ice cream there. There are two toilets at the shop and I have been told there are plans to build more toilets.

If anyone is interested, the plans show a large entrance gate and two exit gates, and the whole area will be enclosed with walls, fences, etc. You are not telling me that the foundation won’t be charging an entrance fee. Of course they will. Why else do they want to build a very large entrance gate if not to house a kiosk for payment of an entrance fee?

Who are the foundation and why do they want to change our little jewel in this way?

I say leave well alone and let us enjoy the restored Little Chapel for future generations to enjoy free of charge and free from overcommercialisation.

PS I didn’t say, but I am disabled and have to use a wheelchair when I go out. The new plans might allow me to go through the new pathways but now that there are doors on the chapel, I cannot get inside now and certainly wouldn’t be able to get in after.


Address withheld.

Editor’s footnote: a detailed reply covering these and other points can be found in page 19 of Tuesday 10 December’s Guernsey Press.