Guernsey Press

No plans to use St Saviour’s reservoir for recreation

FOLLOWING your article of 14 January, Reservoirs for recreation idea is welcomed by walkers, we would like to thank the Guernsey public for their enthusiasm for getting the most out of our water storage sites. However, we would like to clarify that at present we have no plans to open up St Saviour’s reservoir for water-based activities such as kayaking or sailing.


We do see the potential for these types of activities to take place, and this is being considered at other reservoir sites where there is better access and a less sensitive environment to consider, but at no point do we envisage open access to any of our reservoirs for the general public. They are operational sites, so water quality and safety will always be of paramount importance to us. All recreational activities would need to be pre-arranged, managed by a recognised organisation, and all risks considered and addressed in advance.

The primary purpose of our sites is to provide water and wastewater services to the island. Where we can, we are looking to promote biodiversity and this has been the main focus of our biodiversity and recreation partnership so far.

St Saviour’s reservoir is an area of high environmental importance. Many species now live, breed and migrate through this valuable habitat, which is managed for us by Environment Guernsey; this is something that we believe should be nurtured and protected for future generations to enjoy.


General manager at Guernsey Water.