Help us overcome the barriers to women standing for public office
WOMEN in Public Life launched in January to inspire and support the women of Guernsey to stand for all forms of public office.
Our thanks to everyone who has shown so much interest, it’s been quite a month.
We intend to prove our value to Guernsey through our actions over time. But, in the meantime, we just wanted to clarify a few points:
1. We absolutely believe in ‘the best person for the job’. We don’t expect anyone to appoint or vote for a woman just because she’s a woman.
2. When choosing the best person for the job, you can only select from the people who have put themselves forward. You are, in reality, getting ‘the best person of those who applied’. So we’re simply trying to increase the number of women that join the pool of candidates.
3. Taking positive action to encourage the participation of an under-represented group is expressly allowed under anti-discrimination legislation.
4. Women in Public Life is supported by donations and corporate sponsorship. We don’t get any funding from the States. Our start-up costs have been covered by donations from members of our committee. The ‘About Us’ page of our website lists everyone involved.
5. We are a small group of volunteers, women and men. To be effective, we need to focus. Women are the largest under-represented group in public office so we are concentrating there.
6. We know women are not the only under-represented group in public office and we’re keen to support women in all their diversity. That’s why we’ve already reached out to groups like Liberate and the Guernsey Disability Alliance. We’re equally happily to partner with projects to inspire and support under-represented groups of men.
7. The detailed information on our website about public office roles is an open resource for everyone. Please do take a look –
We’ve been talking to women about our ideas for more than six months already. We’ve met capable, competent women from all walks of life who are holding back from standing for public office for a myriad of reasons. Guernsey is missing out on talent and life experience as a result.
If you’d like to work with us to overcome the barriers, either as a potential candidate for public office or as part of our team of volunteers, we’d love to hear from you.
Chair, Women in Public Life