Guernsey Press

What are the plans for keeping Guernsey safe?

WITH the cruise liner and summer season on the horizon, have the States got any contingency plans for keeping the Guernsey community safe from the virus? As I understand it the PEH might have the odd isolation room, but nowhere near enough to cope with a major outbreak.


I do appreciate the States like to spend tens of thousands of pounds on asking UK experts how to do things. However, with the ever-increasing spread we don’t have time for that. Perhaps they should be looking for a building that can be turned into an isolation hospital quickly. Heaven help Jersey, they have spent £30m. and many years talking about a new hospital. Not like China, which built a new hospital in 10 days.

I hope someone from the States will respond to this – and no waffle please.


Editor’s footnote: Dr Brink, director of Public Health, replies:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to provide your reader with information regarding Guernsey’s preparedness regarding Sars-CoV-2 (originally referred to as 2019-nCoV) and Covid-19, which is the disease caused by the virus. We know that the uncertainty around this new virus can be extremely concerning.

The States of Guernsey is monitoring the situation closely (and have been doing so since early January 2020). While managing such a dynamic situation is challenging, we are working closely with partner agencies and the public to adopt a ‘whole island’ approach.

We have extensive preparedness plans in place to monitor and manage this developing situation. We are also specifically considering the issue of cruise ships and will issue guidance in March. This is because any guidance that we issue now may be obsolete by the time that the first cruise ship is due in March due to the rapidly evolving global situation. Our general preparedness was fully tested in November 2019 when health experts, emergency planners and emergency services took part in a planned exercise looking at Guernsey’s and Jersey’s preparedness in dealing with a flu pandemic. This table top exercise updated the joint Channel Islands Pandemic Flu Strategic Plan. We noted at the time that this exercise was also applicable to the management of an emerging and novel respiratory tract infection.

We have extensive preparedness plans in place specifically for the Sars-CoV-2 virus and Covid-19 disease. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

l Bringing together relevant specialists to provide practical advice and recommendations, ensuring an informed and coordinated response specific to the Bailiwick’s needs.

l 24-hour access to Public Health advice.

l Preparations in the hospital/primary care/ambulance service with a review of local policies and pathways.

l Development of pathways for transporting and testing of samples for the novel coronavirus in England.

l Communications and recommendations to the public regarding:

- Travel.

- Self-isolation.

- Symptoms.

l Communications and recommendations for:

- Schools and colleges.

- The business community.

- The transport industry.

- Sporting and cultural event organisers.

l Making the disease and the infection notifiable in the Bailiwick to allow for compulsory notification and quarantine, if required.

l Procedures developed for contact tracing in the event of a confirmed case of novel coronavirus infection.

l Working together with partner organisations to ensure preparedness:

- Secondary care (MSG and hospital).

- Primary care.

- Community services.

- Ambulance.

- Ports.

l Developing our local knowledge for case identification through the cascading of scientific data.

l A dedicated expert group to discuss the potential issues surrounding the cruise liner industry.

l Working with the UK should we need to transfer a sick person off-island.

l Discussion with community and voluntary sector on community support for people in self-isolation.

A calm and meticulous approach has been taken to establishing our preparedness. Staff are trained to respond to emerging and unpredictable events.

A dedicated web page has been set up at This is a central point of reference for all advice and guidance that has been issued by the States of Guernsey. This is updated frequently each week as the situation regarding Sars-CoV-2 develops.

We are also running a social media campaign highlighting the simple precautions islanders can take to stop the spread of a virus.