Guernsey Press

Reasons for abortions do not change after 12 weeks

RE: modernising abortion.


The States of Deliberation is being asked to decide on a number of proposals.

The item I find difficulty with is increasing the gestational limit from 12 to 24 weeks.

With today’s advanced postnatal care and equipment, a 24-week-old baby is a very viable baby and is capable of growing to adulthood, so what is being proposed is in effect abortion up to birth.

Records from other jurisdictions show that abortions carried out in the 12 to 24 week period are carried out for the same reasons as in the time period up to the 12 week current time limit: coercion from partners, family and friends, financial constraints, etc., rarely for foetal abnormalities, and

in extremely rare cases to save the

life of the mother, so the need to extend the time period becomes unnecessary.