Guernsey Press

Comparison with the UK is not a useful measure

SIMPLE comparison of the number of confirmed cases in Guernsey with those in the UK is not a useful measure. Measuring per head of population is relatively easy: just divide the UK number by 1,000 and compare it to Guernsey.


That might lead you to think that there is a much worse situation in Guernsey than the UK, but testing has been far more extensive in Guernsey. Guernsey has done close to one test for every 100 people in the island, while the UK is closer to one test per 500 people because they have primarily been testing people in hospital. They are not including the very many people with Covid-19 that are not ill enough to be in hospital in the UK statistics of numbers of those infected. This is likely to under report UK cases by a factor of, perhaps, 10.

Consequently, comparing confirmed case numbers leads to poor conclusions. Guernsey has done well to protect itself, particularly in the Public Health Service. Not only has testing continued at high levels, as recommended by the WHO, but also preparation of acute hospital beds is very well done. The UK has a lack of acute hospital beds. Prior to this situation they had 6.6 beds per 100,000 – about half the European average – and they have not yet reached the European average of 12.5 beds per 100,000, whereas the PEH had more than the European average at close to 15 per 100,000 and has since doubled that to a level that is far ahead of most European countries.

Government and the PEH are doing brilliantly. Thank you.


Village de Putron.