Guernsey Press

Spend locally and help get the economy back on track

THOSE who know me will know that I left the finance industry at the beginning of 2020 and moved into the wholesale sector with VWT (Guernsey) Limited, which includes Guernsey Grapevine.


Coming into the business I quickly realised the real need for everyone to support local suppliers and businesses, and this has proven even more so during the current coronavirus lockdown.

Then last week I received that dreaded, but inevitable, email from my holiday company cancelling my upcoming holiday.

This set my mind working further about supporting local people and businesses and I made a decision to not re-book my holiday, but instead to wait until we have a clearer knowledge of when the Guernsey lockdown will be ending and then to take at least my first ‘post-lockdown’ holiday in Guernsey and in a Guernsey hotel. My wife and I have always enjoyed the meal and stopover deals that some Guernsey hotels run during the winter months, and so we are now going to take this one step further into a full Guernsey holiday and at the same time support our local hotels, restaurants and businesses by spending our money here as if we had travelled abroad.

I take it that we are more likely to initially open our island internally, much before we open our borders. If this is the case, staying locally would potentially speed up the recovery of our economy as quickly as possible, help local businesses get back on track immediately, stimulate cash flow across the island and get people back into work.

Can I tempt anyone else to join us and stay and spend locally?


1 Verandah Villa,

Rouge Rue,

St Peter Port,

GY1 1ZE.