Guernsey Press

Staying home is only safe option

FROM the number of vehicles on the roads it is clear that many are unaware that they are dicing with death for the sake of a run out in the sun. The risk of infection with Covid-19 is still not fully understood and the danger zone for risk of exposure is increasing as knowledge increases.


Stay home and please, please give more than two metres social spacing from those not from your household. Two metres is not enough. And don’t go on the roads as viruses are, though tiny and easily airborne, soon dropped to surfaces, the ground, floors, or a road after the passing of a car containing an infected person. A car or person in front of you can, by their movement, throw the viruses into the air to be inhaled by those on the pavement, on the road in a following car or on a bike or motorbike.

That coronaviruses can survive for at least 72 hours on a hard surface gives some idea of the risks of driving behind where other traffic may have passed with an infected person aboard. You will have noticed that you can smell tobacco when someone in a car in front is smoking and that this can be detected at a considerable distance behind the smoker. Smoke particles are an entire order of magnitude larger than a coronavirus, and so tiny coronavirus will stay airborne longer and therefore further back from a car in front discharging them. Stay home.

Take care and look out for each other.


Mas des Sables,

Grandes Rocques,


Guernsey, GY5 7XQ.